We've curated a list of FAQ's to help answer any burning questions you may have. If there's a missing piece you're craving, don't hesitate to hit us up at contact@fyr.com.au
What is FYR and how does it work?
What is FYR and how does it work?
What do you do with my personal data, particularly my health data?
What do you do with my personal data, particularly my health data?
How does the menstrual cycle impact nutrition and your energy levels?
How does the menstrual cycle impact nutrition and your energy levels?
Do I need to have a regular menstrual cycle to use this app?
Do I need to have a regular menstrual cycle to use this app?
How does the menstrual cycle impact exercise?
How does the menstrual cycle impact exercise?
What is the difference between the Beginner and Intermediate exercise programs?
What is the difference between the Beginner and Intermediate exercise programs?
How does FYR know where I'm at in my menstrual cycle?
How does FYR know where I'm at in my menstrual cycle?
Can I do this program if I am currently using a hormonal based contraception?
Can I do this program if I am currently using a hormonal based contraception?
Can I do this program if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
Can I do this program if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?
Can I do this program if I have PCOS?
Can I do this program if I have PCOS?
Can I do this program if I have endometriosis?
Can I do this program if I have endometriosis?
How quickly will I lose weight on the weight loss program?
How quickly will I lose weight on the weight loss program?
How do I cancel my subscription?
How do I cancel my subscription?
Who created this program?
Who created this program?
Will the app be available for android users?
Will the app be available for android users?
How do I provide feedback?
How do I provide feedback?

Find Your Rhythm and work with your body, not against it.
Find Your Rhythm
and work with your body, not against it.Click the button below or download FYR from the Apple App Store.